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Showing posts from November, 2020

UK food bank trust says half of users repaying universal credit debts

Food bank users more commonly in debt to government than to friends or payday loan firms It is now more common for people using food banks to be in debt to the government than to family and friends or payday loan companies, the Trussell Trust has said. The UK’s biggest food bank network said half of all households visiting food banks struggled to afford essential goods such as food and clothes because they were repaying universal credit debts. Continue reading... from The Guardian

Amazon deforestation surges to 12-year high under Bolsonaro

An area seven times larger than Greater London has been lost in what one activist called a ‘humiliating and shameful’ destruction A vast expanse of Amazon rainforest seven times larger than Greater London was destroyed over the last year as deforestation surged to a 12-year high under Brazil’s far-right president Jair Bolsonaro. Figures released by the Brazilian space institute, Inpe, on Monday showed at least 11,088 sq km of rainforest was razed between August 2019 and July this year – the highest figure since 2008. Continue reading... from The Guardian

Helena Bonham Carter says The Crown should stress to viewers it's a drama

Actor who plays Princess Margaret adds her voice to calls for Netflix to add a disclaimer Helena Bonham Carter has said The Crown has a “moral responsibility” to tell viewers that it is a drama, rather than historical fact, in the wake of calls for a “health warning” for people watching the series. The actor, who played Princess Margaret in series three and four of the Netflix hit drama, told an official podcast for the show that there was an important distinction between “our version”, and the “real version”. Continue reading... from The Guardian

Coronavirus live news: US may begin vaccinations before Christmas; Vietnam sees first case in three months

WHO ‘will do everything’ to find Covid origin; Mexico and Brazil seeing ‘alarming’ case surge; Scott Atlas resigns as special adviser to Trump on coronavirus US may begin vaccinations before Christmas Vietnam reports first community virus in almost three months Moderna Covid vaccine has 94% efficacy, final results confirm Spain appeals for ‘common sense’ after shopping crowd scenes See all our coronavirus coverage 1.00am GMT Dr. Scott Atlas has resigned as special adviser to President Donald Trump, a White House official said on Monday, after a controversial four months during which he clashed repeatedly with other members of the coronavirus task force. “I am writing to resign from my position as Special Advisor to the President of the United States,” Atlas said in a letter to Trump dated 1 December, according to Fox News, which first reported his resignation. 12.55am GMT China has provided North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and his family with an experimental coronavirus vacc

Newcastle's entire squad in Covid-19 self-isolation after significant outbreak

Game with Aston Villa on Friday now in jeopardy Training ground closed until Wednesday at the earliest Newcastle’s Premier League game at Aston Villa on Friday is in danger of postponement after Steve Bruce’s entire first-team squad were asked to self-isolate on Monday amid a growing Covid-19 outbreak at the north-east club. The training ground will not reopen until Wednesday at the earliest after a specially ordered set of coronavirus tests on Sunday revealed a significant number of players and staff had recorded positive results. Continue reading... from The Guardian

Mass Covid testing to be rolled out to local authorities in tier 3

English areas under strictest rules can target at-risk groups, but may lack necessary staff Coronavirus – latest updates See all our coronavirus coverage Local authorities in tier 3, with the toughest Covid restrictions , will be invited to apply for funds to run mass testing programmes of people with no symptoms, in hopes of driving down the virus and moving to tier 2 , the government has said. Public health directors will be able to put forward proposals for testing in those parts of their communities most at risk from the virus, if they so choose, which could be particular neighbourhoods or workplaces where infection rates are high. Continue reading... from The Guardian

Neera Tanden, Biden's pick for budget chief, defends progressive credentials, deletes old tweets

Several prominent Republican senators indicated Neera Tanden could face an "uphill battle" when she seeks confirmation.             from USATODAY - News Top Stories

Have Trump Republican leaders no sense of decency?

Our View: On President-elect Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy and other top Republicans appear determined to remain spineless until the end.             from USATODAY - News Top Stories

Biden needs attorney general with integrity, proven record on civil rights

Tap former Clinton, Obama appointee for pick committed to comprehensive sentencing, policing reform and restoration of voting rights.             from USATODAY - News Top Stories

Post-election Gallup poll: Biden favorability rises to 55% while Trump's dips to 42%

According to Gallup, the increase in Biden's favorability was driven by Republicans and independents.             from USATODAY - News Top Stories

Opinion: 'It's insane,' John Hopkins expert says of NFL pushing for Ravens-Steelers this week

The Baltimore Ravens COVID-19 outbreak shows the NFL needs to do a deep dive into where things are going wrong and do something different, expert says             from USATODAY - News Top Stories

Small holiday celebrations just might be better than large ones. Here's why

Were you hoping to celebrate the holidays with a large group? Here are 5 reasons why smaller gatherings are not only safer, but also more festive!             from USATODAY - News Top Stories

Kelly Clarkson wins primary custody of kids amid 'issues of trust' with ex Brandon Blackstock

Kelly Clarkson has won primary physical custody of her children — daughter River, 6, and son Remington, 4 — with her ex Brandon Blackstock.             from USATODAY - News Top Stories