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'I Can Clearly Feel that I Am Black': White Couple Identifies as Black, Claims Children Will Be Black Too

The escalating global debate over genetic identity has taken on a new twist. In recent years, the DNA debate has centered around sexuality with individuals making headlines claiming to be non-binary and transgender. Now there's a couple who were born white, but they say they're changing to become black.   from

British Government Says It’s ‘Making Progress’ With Pakistan Over Asia Bibi Release

As persecuted Christian mother Asia Bibi continues to languish in Pakistan, the British government has said that is is in active talks with the Pakistani government to secure her release. Bibi was acquitted of her conviction for blasphemy last October, having spent the best part of a decade on death row. from

Prominent Underground Church Remains Defiant as Chinese Officials Shut Down Ministry, Interrogate Congregation

Yet another prominent “underground” Chinese church has been shut down by government authorities, as President Xi Jinping continues his brutal crackdown on the nation’s hard-pressed Christian community. Shouwang Church is an unregistered congregation that attracts more than 1,000 weekly attendees — it is the fourth significant underground church to be closed down in recent months. from