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'It's as if Cuba Has Annexed the Country': As Venezuela Crisis Prolonged, Franklin Graham Launches Border Outreach

The United Nations has called the exodus of refugees from Venezuela "unparalleled" in the modern history of South America. More than a million of the country's four million refugees have fled to the neighboring nation of Colombia, but that's where tens of thousands of them had a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ over Easter weekend. from

As Warning Emerges of New Sri Lanka Church Attacks, Global Christian Persecution Still 'Obscured'

Sri Lankan Christians fear more attacks are coming as the nation is still in mourning over the horrific bombings on Easter. Last Sunday's bombings were one of the world's worst terrorist attacks since 9/11, but there's still a sense that Americans don't grasp that Christians around the world are so targeted.   from

Sri Lankan Woman Left a Childless Widow, Losing Most of Her Family in Easter Church Bombing

Before the undertakers could move in, Anusha Kumari wrested herself away from her sisters and flung herself on the three coffins, wailing. In an instant, she was left childless and a widow when suicide bombers attacked churches and luxury hotels in and near Sri Lanka's capital of Colombo. from

Sri Lanka Bombing Suspect Arrested, Manhunt Underway for Islamist Ringleader

The father of two of the Easter suicide bombers in Sri Lanka has been arrested on suspicion of aiding his sons. That word came Thursday from the country's former navy chief as a nationwide search continues for the suspected ring-leader of the Easter bombings in churches and hotels.   from

As ISIS Claims Responsibility for Sri Lanka Church Bombings, Official Claims Retaliation for NZ Mosque Massacre

The Islamic State terrorist group is claiming responsibility for the terror attacks that killed more than 300 people in Sri Lanka Easter Sunday. And Sri Lanka's defense minister says the bombings were carried out in retaliation for the attack on mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand in March.   from

Presidential Writer’s Amazing ‘God’ Story: From Homelessness and Abuse to Victory

Douglas MacKinnon has had a fascinating life and career. A writer for Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, a former Pentagon official and an author and columnist, MacKinnon’s career has been robust and impactful — but it’s his faith journey that has perhaps been the most transformative and uplifting. from

From Practicing Witchcraft to Worshipping Jesus Christ in Cuba

Santeria — a form of modern witchcraft that fuses Catholic practices and African folk beliefs — is prevalent in Cuba. In fact, according to the U.S. State Department, some sources estimate that as many as 80 percent of Cubans practice Santeria. But because of generous donors supporting Cuban church planters, a strong body of Christ-followers is growing in this once closed-off country. from