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Showing posts with the label Reuters: World News

International Criminal Court describes U.S. sanctions as threats, coercion

The International Criminal Court said on Thursday U.S. President Donald Trump's authorization of economic and travel sanctions against ICC employees amounted to threats and coercion and were "an unacceptable attempt to interfere with rule of law". from Reuters: World News

Coronavirus crisis could see number of extreme poor rise to 1.1 billion worldwide: researchers

The economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic could plunge an extra 395 million people into extreme poverty and swell the total number of those living on less than $1.90 a day worldwide to more than 1 billion, researchers said in a report on Friday. from Reuters: World News

International Criminal Court describes U.S. sanctions as threats, coercion

The International Criminal Court said on Thursday U.S. President Donald Trump's authorization of economic and travel sanctions against ICC employees amounted to threats and coercion and were "an unacceptable attempt to interfere with rule of law". from Reuters: World News

Coronavirus crisis could see number of extreme poor rise to 1.1 billion worldwide: researchers

The economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic could plunge an extra 395 million people into extreme poverty and swell the total number of those living on less than $1.90 a day worldwide to more than 1 billion, researchers said in a report on Friday. from Reuters: World News

UK PM to scrap two metres distancing rule by September for new school year: Telegraph

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is planning to scrap the two metres distancing rule latest by September for schools to reopen fully for the start of the new school year, the Telegraph newspaper reported. from Reuters: World News

Protests hit Druze city in Syria for fourth day

Hundreds of Syrians in the mainly Druze city of Sweida took to the streets for a fourth day on Wednesday, protesting worsening economic conditions and demanding the downfall of Syrian President Bashar al Assad. from Reuters: World News

Protests hit Druze city in Syria for fourth day

Hundreds of Syrians in the mainly Druze city of Sweida took to the streets for a fourth day on Wednesday, protesting worsening economic conditions and demanding the downfall of Syrian President Bashar al Assad. from Reuters: World News

COVID crisis could worsen existing UK inequality, think tank says

The coronavirus crisis is exposing Britain's existing inequalities - between low and high earners, young and old workers and for ethnic minorities - which could be aggravated without reforms, a leading think tank said on Thursday. from Reuters: World News

Outgoing U.S. ambassador to Germany defends troop withdrawal plan

The United States is planning to withdraw troops from Germany because Americans are against "paying too much" for other countries' security, the outgoing U.S. ambassador said late on Wednesday. from Reuters: World News

Iran says will now send Ukraine airliner black boxes to Paris: sources

Iran told the U.N.'s aviation agency on Wednesday that it would send black boxes from a downed Ukrainian jetliner to Paris for analysis, once countries involved in the investigation agree, two sources familiar with the matter said. from Reuters: World News

COVID crisis could worsen existing UK inequality, think tank says

The coronavirus crisis is exposing Britain's existing inequalities - between low and high earners, young and old workers and for ethnic minorities - which could be aggravated without reforms, a leading think tank said on Thursday. from Reuters: World News

Outgoing U.S. ambassador to Germany defends troop withdrawal plan

The United States is planning to withdraw troops from Germany because Americans are against "paying too much" for other countries' security, the outgoing U.S. ambassador said late on Wednesday. from Reuters: World News

Iran says will now send Ukraine airliner black boxes to Paris: sources

Iran told the U.N.'s aviation agency on Wednesday that it would send black boxes from a downed Ukrainian jetliner to Paris for analysis, once countries involved in the investigation agree, two sources familiar with the matter said. from Reuters: World News