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Tories warn Rishi Sunak amid Covid tax hike rumours

Several Conservative backbenchers argue that focus must be on supporting a continued economic recovery The chancellor, Rishi Sunak, has been urged not to introduce tax hikes in his November budget by Conservative backbenchers who argue they would damage economic recovery. The intervention followed speculation the Treasury could raise £20bn through extra levies to deal with the fallout from Covid-19. Continue reading... from The Guardian

'Imagine using liquid water': why people water their house plants with ice cubes

Often touted as an easy solution to overwatering, the practice of placing ice cubes in orchids has become a ‘comedy horticultural moment’ One piece of houseplant folklore resurfaces from time to time: that we should water our plants with ice cubes. For years everything from Reader’s Digest to Reddit offered up ice cubes as the trick to keeping potted friends alive. Recently the theory has returned thanks to a pair of meme pages. Continue reading... from The Guardian

California fire crews, aided by cooler weather, report 'great progress' against LNU, SCU lightning complex fires

Some evacuation orders have been lifted or downgraded for the LNU Lightning Complex Fire in California's wine country in the Napa Valley.             from USATODAY - News Top Stories