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Biden and Putin both implicitly tie their futures to the outcome in Ukraine

Russian leader says war is about Russia’s right to exist, as US president describes it as a battle for freedom, in vastly different speeches In their speeches, Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin could not have been further apart in their interpretations of the past year, its culprits, causes, and consequence. But in one aspect they were agreed: this is a war intended to remain on the territory of Ukraine, but is being elevated into something far wider – a battle of survival between the west and Russia. Both men also implicitly tied their own futures to the outcome of this war, saying their opponent was bound to lose. While both men avoided setting out the specifics of what victory would constitute, or how the battle was faring on the frontlines, Putin said the war was about Russia’s right to exist, and Biden said it was a battle for freedom, a word he ultimately chose more often in his speech than democracy. Continue reading... from The Guardian

WADA appeals RUSADA's 'wrong' decision on figure skater Kamila Valieva, seeking four-year ban

WASADA announced Tuesday that it will appeal the Russian Anti-Doping Agency's "wrong" decision on figure skater Kamila Valieva to the CAS.           from USATODAY - News Top Stories

Joe Biden has heralded a new age of democracy in Kyiv. Sunak’s Tories are unfit for it | Rafael Behr

The US president voiced sentiments at odds with our illiberal government. His call for a rules-based order bathes them in the harshest light Watching Joe Biden stroll through Kyiv alongside Volodymyr Zelenskiy, flexing the muscles of democratic solidarity under a blue Ukrainian sky, it should be difficult to imagine any US president preferring the company of Vladimir Putin. But it is easy. America had such a president only three years ago. There is no doubt whose side Donald Trump would have taken had he been in the White House this time last year. He told a rally on Monday that Putin would “never, ever have gone into Ukraine” if he had been president. He reminded the audience that he “actually had a very good relationship” with Putin. Just ahead of the Kremlin invasion, Trump declared the massing of Russian troops a “genius” move by a “very savvy” leader. Rafael Behr is a Guardian columnist Continue reading... from The Guardian

Nikki Haley begins Iowa courtship for 2024, tells those considering Trump to 'look forward'

"We need to leave the status quo in the past. We've got work to do. We've got to look forward," Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley said.           from USATODAY - News Top Stories