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Our outdated marijuana laws put Americans in danger. It's past time for federal cannabis reforms.

The simple truth is that continued federal cannabis prohibition is neither tenable nor the will of the American electorate.           from USATODAY - News Top Stories

Is it still possible to avoid a major war in Europe? | Timothy Garton Ash

The west is more united than it has been since the cold war – but the future of Ukraine hangs in the balance “I think Putin will invest Kyiv,” the Nato general told me. For a moment, I thought I had misheard. Then I realised he was using the verb “invest” in the old military sense of surrounding a city without actually occupying it. That single word measures how far we have gone backwards in Europe over the last 15 years: from a world where invest means investing money in a place – to a world where invest means besieging it with an army. Russian president Vladimir Putin declared his personal war on the west 15 years ago, in his 2007 speech to the Munich security conference. At this year’s conference, from which I have just returned, everyone was struggling to understand how we have come to the verge of what might be the largest war in Europe since 1945 – and whether we can still prevent it. For all the last-minute diplomacy, Russia continues to advance towards major military action.

Restaurant employees given $61,000 after managers caught dipping into tip pool, federal agency says

A U.S. Department of Labor investigation found New Hampshire restaurant managers were dipping into their employees' tip pool.           from USATODAY - News Top Stories

Macron makes last-minute diplomatic bid as US warns Ukraine invasion imminent

French president says he has persuaded Vladimir Putin to endorse discussions on possible leaders’ summit Ukraine crisis – live update s The French president, Emmanuel Macron, has launched a desperate last-minute effort to try to avoid Russia invading Ukraine, amid further US warnings that war is imminent. Macron claimed he had persuaded Vladimir Putin to endorse urgent talks aimed at securing a ceasefire in the disputed east of Ukraine. They also agreed, during a 105-minute telephone call on Sunday, to hold discussions in the hope of organising a leaders’ summit to review the future security architecture of Europe, Macron said. Continue reading... from The Guardian

Labour accuses Boris Johnson of creating a ‘cash-for-access culture’

Exclusive: letter from Anneliese Dodds says PM allowed Tory chair to ‘blur the lines to boost party coffers’ Labour has accused Boris Johnson of creating a “cash-for-access culture” in the Conservative party after it emerged that a secret advisory board of wealthy donors were regularly invited to private briefings with the prime minister and his top team. Concerns were raised when the Sunday Times reported that members of the board, whose investments spanned property, construction and big tobacco, lobbied the government to provide more support for their businesses during the Covid crisis. Continue reading... from The Guardian

Home Office immigration contractor failed to investigate racist staff messages

Mitie admits failure to ‘escalate’ whistleblower complaints made two years ago about racist WhatsApp group posts The Home Office is investigating allegations of racist WhatsApp messages sent by immigration staff, as the contracting firm Mitie admitted that they received complaints two years ago but failed to “escalate them”. The messages by workers for Mitie, revealed by the Sunday Mirror , include derogatory references to Chinese people and the mocking of the Syrian refugee crisis. Continue reading... from The Guardian

'For sure it's gonna happen': Seahawks WR DK Metcalf sets sights on 2024 Olympics

Seattle Seahawks WR DK Metcalf tried to qualify for the 2021 Olympics in Tokyo. He vows to sprint for Team USA in the 2024 Paris Games.           from USATODAY - News Top Stories