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Jacinda Ardern hosts Scott Morrison for New Zealand talks

Prime ministers meet in Queenstown, with Ardern’s government confirming it will join Australian trade dispute with China as third party The New Zealand and Australian prime ministers, Jacinda Ardern and Scott Morrison, have met in Queenstown on Sunday, their first talks in person since Covid-19 closed borders in 2020. Over the past year the relationship between the two countries has been strained by conflict over Australia’s “501” deportation policy, and differing approaches to China. Formal talks between the two prime ministers will begin on Monday. Continue reading... from The Guardian

Lionel Shriver: ‘A chosen death is an authorial act – I’ve never cared for stories that end on ellipses’

The author’s new novel centres around an elderly couple bound in a suicide pact. Watching her parents age, the subject of dying with dignity is never far from her mind For those of us with elderly parents, countless news broadcasts of bewildered residents cruelly exiled in care homes during this pandemic have been especially raw. Even so, I can’t be the only one who’s thought reflexively: “That will never be me.” My friend Jolanta in Brooklyn has made that vow official. Put through quite the medical ringer herself, she tended to a difficult mother through a drawn-out decline. Not long ago, she declared to me fiercely that she’d no interest in living beyond the age of 80. Dead smart and not given to whimsy, Jolanta was already about 60, the very point at which old age starts to seem like something that might actually happen. I couldn’t help but wonder, should she indeed turn 80, will she take matters into her own hands – or not? Continue reading... from The Guardian

‘Blazing, incandescent’: Bob Dylan biographer Clinton Heylin on 1961-66

In a new book, one of the most prolific chroniclers of the 80-year-old Nobel laureate draws on rare documents and film For three decades, Clinton Heylin has turned out an average of a book a year, about everyone from the Sex Pistols to Orson Welles. But his first love has been his longest. The 61-year-old fell for Bob Dylan when he was 12 and has now published his 11th book about the Nobel laureate, The Double Life of Bob Dylan: A Restless, Hungry Feeling . Covering Dylan’s career to 1966, it coincides with his 80th birthday . Related: My favourite Dylan song – by Mick Jagger, Marianne Faithfull, Tom Jones, Judy Collins and more Continue reading... from The Guardian