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Will a $1.6bn defamation lawsuit finally stop Fox News from spreading lies? | Margaret Sullivan

Advertising boycotts don’t restrain the rightwing network, but the Dominion lawsuit may succeed in holding them to account If you’ve paid even the slightest attention to how Fox News operates, the recent revelations from a legal filing come as no huge surprise. From the moment it was founded in the mid-1990s, Fox has been a partisan outlet – very much by the design of its founder, Australian-born media mogul Rupert Murdoch, and its founding chief executive, Roger Ailes. It never was the “fair and balanced” news source that its motto claimed. Calling it “conservative” has always been putting things far too mildly; but for a time, it observed a modicum of journalistic standards. Continue reading... from The Guardian

Big cities are a big draw for Gen Z: These are the areas that Gen Z is rapidly migrating to.

Migration patterns during the pandemic show Gen Z has flocked to cities like Washington D.C., Columbia and Boston.           from USATODAY - News Top Stories

When it comes to immigration policy, Biden is increasingly Trump-like | Moustafa Bayoumi

Why is the Biden administration rolling out policies that are so unpopular with members of his own party? Who exactly does Joe Biden think he is, Donald Trump? The question probably sounds ludicrous on its face. Trump is a known bully . But folksy Uncle Joe – with his big, toothpaste smile – is supposed to care about the little guy and do the right thing. On immigration, for example, candidate Joe took a stand in 2019 in direct opposition to his opponent, whom he accused of waging “an unrelenting assault on our values and our history as a nation of immigrants”. That same year, Biden also said that if people are coming to the country “because they’re actually seeking asylum, they should have a chance to make their case”. So why is Biden now laying down yet another set of rules to the asylum system on the nation’s southern border that looks ominously like Trump’s? Continue reading... from The Guardian

Harvey Weinstein sentenced to 16 years in prison in LA rape case, adding to 23 years he's serving

Harvey Weinstein was sentenced to 16 years in prison in his Los Angeles criminal trial Thursday, adding on to the 23 years he is already serving.           from USATODAY - News Top Stories

Northern Ireland republican dissidents lurk in the shadows hoping to be noticed

Their numbers are small, their terrorist skillset meagre, and public revulsion only reinforces their self-mythology The ambush of a senior Northern Ireland police officer on Wednesday night was almost certainly the work of a tiny group of so-called republican dissidents who have long tried – and consistently failed – to escalate a violent campaign. The New IRA has launched sporadic attacks on security forces over the past decade to show that there is still a flickering flame in the tradition of physical-force republicanism. Continue reading... from The Guardian