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Andrew Tate: The Man Who Groomed the World? review – the revelations in this excellent exposé are a major coup

Investigative reporter Matt Shea’s second film about the misogynistic influencer is a dogged, disturbing, occasionally infuriating watch. But it contains important new claims According to conventional logic, Andrew Tate – the Anglo-American kickboxer turned public misogynist currently awaiting trial in Romania on charges of rape and human trafficking – should not be this famous. How did a man whose biggest claim to fame before TikTok remains a six-day stint on the 2016 series of Big Brother become one of the world’s most Googled people? That’s the mystery “no one has figured out”, says investigative reporter Matt Shea at the start of his second BBC documentary on Tate – which is a bit strange considering he already told us how he did it minutes into his first film, The Dangerous Rise of Andrew Tate , which was screened in February. Alongside extensive interviews with Tate and women who claim to have been abused by him, Shea explains that the money-making courses Tate flogs online u

‘Robinson Crusoe-style living’: the Australians turning to private islands

Sale of Temple Island on the Great Barrier Reef for $1.75m reflects trend towards Australians seeking isolation and pristine environments Get our morning and afternoon news emails , free app or daily news podcast The way Bill and Barbara Collyer tell it, a private island is just about the best place to raise a family. The middle-income couple (Barbara is a public servant and Bill is a Queensland University of Technology lecturer) bought their own slice of paradise in 1985 after seeing a tiny ad in the Courier Mail listing the island for $120,000. They held on to Temple Island for 30 years. Sign up for Guardian Australia’s free morning and afternoon email newsletters for your daily news roundup Continue reading... from The Guardian

Dogman review – the most ludicrous film you’ll see all year, maybe ever

Luc Besson’s wacky revenge fantasy follows luckless drag artist Doug and his pack of canine chums that do his criminal bidding – you can’t look away Most children indulge in the occasional revenge fantasy. Imagine if a famous movie star decided to be your best friend – right after your actual best friend stopped talking to you. Or how about if MI5 got in touch with you because they needed a kid to help out with a top secret mission? Or what if you trained an enormous pack of assorted sizes of dogs to be your best friends, and they did your bidding and took down all your enemies and stole diamonds for you? This latter scenario is essentially the premise of the new film from Luc Besson, and it’s as wacky as it sounds. Caleb Landry Jones plays Doug, our luckless protagonist, whose life is such an unimaginably relentless shitshow that he retreats entirely from humanity and holes up in an abandoned school with a pack of dozens of canine chums. The doggos’ rapport with Doug is so strong t

Idalia may bring tornadoes: What to know about risk in Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas

Tornadoes are typically one of the dangers that develop before and after hurricanes make landfall, and Idalia is no exception.           from USATODAY - News Top Stories

4 Texas family members dead in apparent murder-suicide shooting, police say

Local police believe the drowning of the family's daughter, 4, weeks earlier played a part in the recent deaths. They were buried with her.           from USATODAY - News Top Stories