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Goodbye, Afghanistan: From George W. Bush to Joe Biden, no celebration as America's longest war ends

Twenty years after U.S. bombers arrived, the last U.S. cargo plane departs a war that has left its mark, and its sorrow, on four presidents.           from USATODAY - News Top Stories

They made the 'ultimate sacrifice': The 13 US service members killed in Afghanistan airport bombing

Thirteen U.S. service members were killed Thursday in a suicide bombing attack in Afghanistan. Among them, an expectant father and a former lifeguard.           from USATODAY - News Top Stories

Hurricane Ida is latest storm to test New Orleans' levees after Hurricane Katrina

The $15 billion hurricane protection system placed around New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina withstood Hurricane Ida's winds and surge.           from USATODAY - News Top Stories

Graphics and satellite images show how the complex and dangerous evacuation from Kabul airport works

Military and commercial flights have evacuated an estimated 116,700 people as Aug. 31 deadline looms           from USATODAY - News Top Stories

Hurricane Ida collapses historic New Orleans jazz shop, a Louis Armstrong landmark

A historical landmark in the birthplace of jazz was no match for Hurricane Ida. The Karnofsky Tailor Shop was found flattened after the storm.           from USATODAY - News Top Stories

Afghanistan live news: final US evacuation flight leaves Kabul, ending 20-year occupation

Head of US central command announces last flight out of Kabul ‘is now clearing the airspace above Afghanistan’ UN adopts watered down resolution Shoeless, shivering, passing out: Afghan refugees arrive in the UK Kabul airport comes under rocket fire as US evacuation enters final phase See all our Afghanistan coverage 9.59pm BST General Frank McKenzie, commander of the U.S. Central Command, added that they were not able to evacuate everybody from Afghanistan but no-one was left at the airport when the last military flight left. 9.52pm BST Continue reading... from The Guardian

Trump phone records could be sought by Capitol attack panel, reports say

Telephone companies reportedly asked to preserve records Records of Trump and family could be among those requested Donald Trump’s phone records from the day of the 6 January Capitol insurrection could be among those requested by the congressional committee looking into the deadly attack, it was reported on Monday. Related: Hurricane Ida: up to 2 million without power as New Orleans assesses damage Continue reading... from The Guardian