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De Zerbi to hold further talks with Brighton after defeat at Liverpool

Manager has been linked with move to Anfield ‘I would like to speak and listen to the plan for the team’ Roberto De Zerbi says he will hold further talks with Brighton before deciding whether to leave the club at the end of the season amid links to the Liverpool manager’s role. The Italian was in the away dugout at Anfield on Sunday to watch his Brighton side lose 2-1 against Liverpool . But with Jürgen Klopp to leave Anfield in the summer, and Xabi Alonso ruling himself out as a potential successor, De Zerbi is one of the main candidates, alongside Sporting’s Rúben Amorim, to take over and he has halted contract talks with Brighton. Continue reading... from The Guardian

Vecchini scores two tries as Italy hold off Ireland for Women’s Six Nations win

Ireland 21- 27 Italy Italians cling on for the win as Irish stage late fightback Hooker Vittoria Vecchini scored two tries as Italy beat Ireland 27-21 in the Women’s Six Nations in Dublin. Vecchini barged over the line from close range in the 25th minute and repeated the trick in the second half following a superb break from winger Alyssa D’Inca at the RDS Arena. Continue reading... from The Guardian

Nottingham Forest out of drop zone as Wood earns point against Crystal Palace

“We shall overcome” read a banner passed through the bottom tier of the Trent End. “It’s time to bring the noise,” demanded a high-concept club social media post. In truth, the cacophony didn’t fully arrive until Chris Wood’s equaliser on the hour but once it did, the City Ground rocked with defiance until a hush descended at the final whistle. In Nottingham Forest’s first game since a four-point deduction was imposed to drop them into the relegation zone the occasion had demanded a statement performance from a team with just a single league victory in 2024 . The stage was set for a vindication that would never arrive. Even if Forest ended their day out of the relegation zone but the immediate afterglow carried the disappointment of an opportunity missed. “We’re gonna need them,” said Nuno Espírito Santo, the manager charged with pulling Forest clear, of the club’s fans. “We all realise we are in this position. Continue reading... from The Guardian

Louis Gossett Jr: king of Hollywood’s strong, silent types, from Roots to The Color Purple

The Oscar winner was a trailblazer who was happy to share the spotlight – and part of a disappearing class of Black acting nobility Preparation went out the window when Louis Gossett Jr became the third Black person to win an Oscar, in 1983, for his supporting role in An Officer and a Gentleman. He had planned to accept the award with his seven-year-old son, Satie – but the boy got stage fright at the last minute and stayed rooted to his seat. The speech Gossett had in mind? “It’s no use,” he told the capacity crowd at LA’s Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. “It’s all gone.” So he kept things short and sweet, thanking his family before pivoting to his fellow nominees – a tough crowd that included James Mason and John Lithgow. “All you other four guys,” Gossett said, raising his statuette, “ this is ours.” That was Gossett in essence: magnanimous, dignified, always hitting the mark. After the announcement of his death on Friday, at age 87, Gossett was remembered as a trailblazer who never h

The Guardian view on the glories of the north-east: deserving of a wider audience | Editorial

One of the most varied, fascinating and beautiful regions of Europe has one of the smallest tourist economies Across the Farne Islands, the spring chorus is once again under way. After wintering on the open seas, thousands of puffins are making their annual journey to England’s north-east coast to nest and breed, jostling for space with vocal kittiwakes, razorbills, eider ducks, shags and Arctic terns. Happily, tourists will be able to witness closeup one of the glories of Britain’s natural landscape for the first time since 2022. This week, the world-renowned seabird sanctuary welcomed the public back, after an outbreak of bird flu led to a temporary ban on visitors. The reopening has given local boat tour operators a timely boost, ahead of the summer. But on Easter bank holiday weekend, the news is also a reminder of how much the UK’s most overlooked tourist destination has to offer its visitors. Continue reading... from The Guardian

The Guardian view on public spending: governments should invest in people as well as things | Editorial

Rules that favour spending on physical infrastructure over the public sector workforce should be overhauled The UK’s public services are in a state of near-collapse. Increased spending on health, care and social security is desperately needed, as the latest shocking poverty figures make painfully obvious. But while the NHS regularly tops voters’ lists of concerns , and a majority of the public favours higher spending , most people do not pay much attention to the technical details of government accounting. In the run-up to an election and spending review, this should change. Rules as well as figures require scrutiny. Rachel Reeves’s commitment to the principle that a Labour government should borrow to invest – but not otherwise – should concern everyone who wants to see the NHS, and the public realm more generally, restored. So should the Treasury’s definition of investment. Traditionally, this refers to capital projects such as new transport links, hospital buildings or energy inf

The Guardian view on Evan Gershkovich’s year behind bars: Moscow should free him now | Editorial

The Wall Street Journal correspondent is not a spy. He is a journalist, and should be released immediately from his Russian jail Evan Gershkovich , a Wall Street Journal reporter, has spent nearly a year in a Moscow prison, awaiting trial for a crime he did not commit. Mr Gershkovich was arrested last March in the Urals city of Yekaterinburg and jailed on espionage charges. He is not a spy. He is a journalist, and should be released immediately. Hostage diplomacy lies behind his incarceration. As the US ambassador to Russia, Lynne Tracy , said, Mr Gershkovich’s case “is not about evidence, due process, or rule of law. It is about using American citizens as pawns to achieve political ends”. Vladimir Putin indicated in February that a prisoner exchange could lead to the release of Mr Gershkovich. There have been high-profile prisoner swaps in the past. In December 2022, Moscow traded a US basketball star convicted of a drugs offence in Russia for a Russian arms trafficker. But a jour