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Showing posts from May, 2023

Keep your yard neat with the 10 best lawn mower deals at Amazon, Lowe's and Home Depot

Make your yard the envy of the neighborhood by shopping these lawn mower deals on push devices, riding tech and more.           from USATODAY - News Top Stories

GOP Utah lawmaker Chris Stewart to leave Congress, citing wife's health concerns

Republican Utah Rep. Chris Stewart confirmed he will be leaving his seat in the House of Representatives, citing his wife's health.           from USATODAY - News Top Stories

Mike Pence to announce presidential campaign with June 7 rally in Des Moines

Former Vice President Mike Pence is expected to jump into a growing GOP presidential field, which is led by his former running mate, Donald Trump.           from USATODAY - News Top Stories

Biden accuser Tara Reade flees US for Russia, saying she fears for her safety

Joe Biden's sexual assault accuser flees to Russia citing safety concerns. She made her surprise announcement in an interview with Russian media.           from USATODAY - News Top Stories

White House Plumbers review – you’ll give up on Woody Harrelson’s Watergate drama after one episode

It may have an absolutely star-packed cast, but this meandering political farce will rapidly lose your interest – unless you’re an aficionado of US political scandals from the 70s White House Plumbers is an A-list, star-stuffed, prestige retelling of the Watergate scandal, which might sound familiar to viewers of last year’s Gaslit , another A-list, star-stuffed, prestige retelling of the Watergate scandal. Even with Julia Roberts as its star, Gaslit got lost in the avalanche of great television that continues to arrive, and White House Plumbers may share the same fate. Here, the mood is more satirical, and it veers into slapstick, although it tries to balance that with a strand of serious family and personal drama. It has a slick elegance to it, but it never quite feels as if it pulls the many elements together successfully. The Veep showrunner David Mandel directs, which should give some idea of the acerbic tone it aims for. The obligatory “based on a true story” note that opens th

The horrific accident that took teen athlete's legs changed her life − but not her spirit

The Smyrna, Tennessee, two-sport athlete has frequently awakened at night, hoping the nightmare from Feb. 18 was just a dream.           from USATODAY - News Top Stories

The Boogeyman review – deftly made yet derivative Stephen King horror

Host director Rob Savage makes the most of a ho-hum short story from the horror master The creative constraints of the early Covid era, forcing writers and directors to maximise the minimalism of remote production, led to an inevitable and seemingly inexorable dip in quality. Stories were told on laptops or phones or both at a time when most of us wanted to escape the exhaustion of life lived on a screen, not embrace it, the overwhelming majority offering nothing more than a depressing reminder of how incredibly small our world had suddenly become. But fresh young British director Rob Savage, using the same base tools as his far more experienced peers, found a way to turn our eyerolls into wide-eyed admiration with his ingeniously effective horror Host . Based entirely on Zoom, it told the story of group of friends who decide to do a guided seance online, and while not a single viewer will be surprised about how this turns out to be a very, very bad idea, the ways in which it descend

Astronomers see 6,000-mile water vapour plume blasting from Saturn moon

‘Extraordinary’ sighting may open window on possibility of life beneath Enceladus’s icy outer crust Astronomers have spotted an enormous plume of water vapour blasting out of Enceladus, a tiny moon of Saturn that is considered one of the most promising places to find life beyond Earth. The record-breaking plume reached nearly 6,000 miles into space – covering the distance between Ireland and Japan – and poured water into the void at an estimated rate of 300 litres a second. Continue reading... from The Guardian

Russia terrorizes Kyiv with night, day barrages; Kremlin wants Sen. Graham arrested: Live updates

Russia followed a nighttime missile barrage against Kyiv with a rare daytime attack, sending residents scurrying for cover. Live updates.           from USATODAY - News Top Stories

‘So goodnight from me. Goodnight’: Jeremy Paxman departs University Challenge, gentle at last

After decades of savage put-downs, Paxo poignantly bows out of the quiz show amazed at the students’ knowledge, not their stupidity When television historians write about Jeremy Paxman, most attention will be given to his spell on Newsnight from 1989 to 2014 and the number of times he asked Michael Howard the same question when he was home secretary. But it is University Challenge that marks his longest association with a show: from 1994 until now. And, poignantly, unless the undergraduates from Durham and Bristol, the 2023 finalists, stayed up late for Newsnight in their early teens, this is the only part of their interrogator’s TV CV with which they will be familiar. There are different ways for a presenter to leave a significant gig. Phillip Schofield ’s abrupt two-stage implosion at ITV meant that he hosted his final editions of This Morning, Dancing On Ice and the British Soap Awards without knowing they were the last. Contrastingly, Paxman’s final Newsnight was a whole program

Pedro Pascal recalls getting an eye infection after weird fan encounters

"People were super into taking selfies with their thumbs in my eyes," Pascal revealed during an actor's roundtable.           from USATODAY - News Top Stories

Keanu Reeves reunites with band Dogstar for first performance in over 20 years

Keanu Reeves reunited with his band Dogstar at BottleRock Napa Valley music festival on Saturday for their first performance in over 20 years.           from USATODAY - News Top Stories