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The Wilmington massacre of 1898: a shocking episode of racist violence

North Carolina city marks 125th anniversary of the white-supremacist attack with a week of memorial events The Equal Justice Initiative is a non-profit organization committed to ending mass incarceration and excessive punishment in the United States, to challenging racial and economic injustice, and to protecting basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in American society. Guardian US has partnered with EJI to reprint this special feature , originally titled The Wilmington Massacre of 1898 . In the late 1890s, Wilmington, North Carolina, a port city between the Atlantic’s barrier islands and the banks of the Cape Fear River, became an island of hope for a new America. Continue reading... from The Guardian

Newcastle school closed for three weeks over repair bill wrangling

Jesmond Park Academy’s buildings – which were damaged during Storm Babet – are maintained by PFI contract Legal wrangling over repairs to one of England’s largest schools has led to more than 2,000 pupils being shut out of their classrooms for more than three weeks. Leaders of the Gosforth Group academy trust in Newcastle closed Jesmond Park Academy over fears that pupils and staff were in danger from metal panels falling off the school’s building after Storm Babet hit on 18 October. Continue reading... from The Guardian

Prince Harry privacy trial will be uncomfortable for Mail’s publisher

Associated Newspapers had avoided being drawn into the scandal around practices faced by rivals. It will not relish the scrutiny in court It is the moment that senior executives at the Mail have been dreading: on Friday Mr Justice Nicklin ruled that the case brought against their publisher Associated Newspapers by Prince Harry, Elton John, Doreen Lawrence and others can continue . The Daily Mail and the Mail on Sunday, which had so assiduously avoided being drawn into the scandal around newspaper practices faced by its rivals, will now be scrutinised in the high court and likely face weeks of difficult headlines, regardless of the outcome of the trial. Continue reading... from The Guardian

A home secretary actively undermining public order feels like a dangerous step into Trump territory | Gaby Hinsliff

Suella Braverman is trying to import the worst politics of the US evangelical right. This inflammatory rhetoric has no place in Britain It reads, with hindsight, uncannily like a prophecy. Long before Suella Braverman became home secretary, when Mark Rowley was enjoying a brief career sabbatical ahead of being appointed chief commissioner of the Metropolitan police, he published an unexpected literary debut. A strictly fictional thriller, co-authored by the journalist David Derbyshire, The Sleep of Reason is set in a world where shrill competing political ideologies make the job of policing infinitely harder and real people consequently risk getting hurt. “Between you and me, I despair with this generation of politicians,” says a senior police officer at one point. “We’ve got the rise of extreme-right terrorism, the continued threat from Islamists and we’re in the middle, supposedly protecting the public. And meanwhile the political class on every side seems more interested in chuck

Number of species at risk of extinction doubles to 2 million, says study

New research on insects – without which the planet would not survive – shows a higher proportion are at risk of disappearing Two million species are at risk of extinction, a figure that is double previous UN estimates, new analysis has found. While scientists have long documented the decline of species of plants and vertebrates, there has always been significant uncertainty over insects, with the UN making a “tentative estimate” of 10% threatened with extinction in 2019. Continue reading... from The Guardian

This election shows Democrats are not doomed after all | Steve Phillips

A recent poll prophesied doom and gloom for Democrats. Then Americans voted for Democrats and progressive policies The New York Times released a poll on Monday showing Donald Trump beating Joe Biden in several key states, and progressives across the country started to panic. The next day, actual voters in actual states cast actual ballots, and suddenly Democratic prospects don’t look nearly as bleak. In state after state, Democrats and progressives swept to victory, affirming the findings from decades of demographic and electoral data showing that the majority of Americans prefer the more multiracial and inclusive vision of Democrats to the angry and punitive policies of the Republicans. At the heart of the Times poll was the suggestion that African Americans and Latinos were gravitating in large and significant numbers to support Trump. According to the poll, 71% of Black voters and just 50% of Latinos backed Biden. If accurate, those numbers would represent a historic collapse of

Lemon water: A-list celebs love it, but does it actually do anything?

We asked experts whether the wellness trend is worth trying – or if it leaves a sour taste in their mouths Tell us: what are your super-specific tips for getting to sleep? Jennifer Aniston drinks it hot , Gisele Bündchen drinks it lukewarm . Naomi Campbell drinks it with probiotics , and Joe Rogan occasionally drinks it with Himalayan salt and cayenne pepper. Beyonce invested in a line of it in 2022, thus becoming, according to a statement from the company’s CEO, “a part of the Lemon Perfect family”. For years, lemon water (water with juice from a lemon squeezed into it) has been a staple of the celebrity morning routine, an appealingly approachable symbol of aspirational wellness. Its supposed benefits are myriad, according to dubiously sourced online articles and AI-narrated TikToks: it is detoxifying! It improves your skin! It balances your body’s pH and promotes weight loss! The touted advantages of this simple elixir are so comprehensive that it boggles the mind to imagine